CSI Trainer
Michelle is a fully qualified Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) at Alecto Forensics, having accumulated over 16 years’ experience in the field working for Wiltshire Police in Swindon. After successfully obtaining a Level 3 Award in Education and Training, she qualified as a Force Trainer in March 2018 and became a member of the South West Forensic Training team, whereby she actively trained both new and experienced police officers in forensic awareness at crime scenes before subsequently joining the CSI Training team at Alecto Forensics.
Combining her passion and qualifications with a wealth of skills and experience, Michelle delivered updated CSI Awareness training to all new police officers and PCSOs in Wiltshire during her time with the force. Using her knowledge and expertise, she has sufficient experience in demonstrating alertness with regards to preservation, contamination and cross contamination of crime scenes, along with the continuity and integrity of exhibits.
Michelle is also experienced in the highly-specialist area of Proficiency Testing. Aside from conducting scenario-based assessments for officers such as setting up mock scenarios for fingerprinting and footwear recovery to check for observation and technique, she is also experienced in reporting and assisting completion of her mentees’ portfolios.
Within her Proficiency Testing role Michelle has also delivered feedback relating to forensic observation and notional considerations at police officer scenario-based assessments – making observations from researching a crime report to consideration of health and safety along with questioning, interactions, and actions at active crime scenes as well as in mock scenarios.
She has attended numerous crime scenes, working alongside a host of fellow forensic professionals such as archaeologists, scientists, fire investigation officers and pathologists. As such, Michelle is skilled in undertaking detailed photography of identified areas and conducting 360-degree photography of entire scenes. Her work has even been commended by a Home Office pathologist, who stated that her post-mortem photography assisted him greatly with producing a report in a complicated case.